Oracle Business Partner

Qualex is an Oracle partner and we offer both assessment and implementation phases, each supported by our flexible migration methodology. Qualex is a strategic Technology Partner for Oracle. Qualex partnership with Oracle continues to provide customers with end-to-end comprehensive solution offerings. Qualex shares Oracle’s passion for customer value. Together we create a thriving ecosystem in which our valued partners can be successful – a win-win situation for all.


IBM Business Partner

Qualex offer both assessment and implementation phases, each supported by our flexible migration methodology. Qualex partnership with IBM continues to provide customers with end-to-end comprehensive solution offerings. Qualex shares IBM’s passion for customer value. Together we create a thriving ecosystem in which our valued partners can be successful – a win-win situation for all.

SAS Alliance Gold Member

Qualex has qualified as a SAS Gold Partner since 2002 and has been honored several times with both the prestigious SAS Partner Excellence Field’s Choice Award as well as the coveted Partner Excellence Award. Qualex was the Winner of the 2004, 2005 and 2006 SAS Field Choice Award. Qualex is a SAS Reseller in the USA and was awarded reseller of the year in 2007. Qualex consultants have worked on a wide variety of projects representing nearly every industry within the international SAS user community. Qualex gives customers the benefit of its experience in solving business problems and providing solutions with SAS. All work, including on-site work, is supervised by senior consultants with at least ten years of SAS experience.

Remsmed AG

Remsmed AG


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